Our Academy Trust
Elm Hall is a member of Attain Academy Partnership.
Attain Academy Partnership was formed in 2016 and is a group of schools situated in Essex with the aim of raising the educational outcomes of all our children within the Trust.
Our Vision
Attain Academy Partnership aims to provide an outstanding education for all children in all schools, relevant to the world in which they live. We would like all members of Attain to become:
- Ambitious, capable learners who are resilient and independent
- Enterprising, creative contributors who have a real love of learning
- Ethical, informed citizens who value differences and inclusivity
- Healthy, confident individuals who contribute to a mutually supportive environment
‘Working together towards success for all’
Our Aims and Ethos
Attain Academy Partnership is a multi academy trust formed in 2016. Our vision is to create a community of outstanding schools with the highest aspiration and dedication to achieving the best outcomes for all our learners:
- An unshakeable belief in the intrinsic value of every individual within our community based on mutual respect
- A moral code and high behavioural expectations which are based on Christian values and recognise and respect those beliefs held by different denominations
- Exciting and creative climates for learning within a safe and supportive environment
- Sustainable collaboration and sharing of best practice
- Personal and professional development for all members of staff
- Accountability based on honesty and responsibility in all our relationships
We believe:
- That every pupil deserves a good education that enables them to be the best they can possibly be
- That every individual in our community of schools (our pupils, staff, families and friends) is important and has something to contribute
- In building an exciting and creative climate for learning within a safe and supportive environment
- In working together and sharing best practice
- In ensuring the personal and professional development for all members of staff so that they have a rewarding and a fulfilling career within our community of schools
- In accountability based on honesty and responsibility in all our relationships
Every pupil can expect to:
- Experience a caring and supportive culture in which every individual is safe and can thrive
- Build positive relationships with the staff in their school
- Experience an aspirational culture in which we refuse to accept barriers to achievement
- Have ambitious targets and access to appropriate resources to support their learning
- Meet and talk with our staff regularly about their learning and progress
- Learn within the classroom with appropriate support and to receive extra help when necessary
- Have their learning and progress and that of their peers effectively tracked
- Experience peer-to-peer support within the classroom rather than having total reliance on adults
Learning will:
- Embrace creative and innovative approaches that engage all learners
- Reflect planning between experts and teachers to ensure the accessibility of the work
- Have pace and a continuous focus on progress both academic and social
- Use modern technology and the virtual learning environment to ensure relevance in the 21st century
- Be personalised so it is relevant to each pupil and ensure challenge
- Be tailored to the needs of key groups, for whom appropriate programmes of study will be devised
- Reflect a balanced but challenging curriculum
- Enable progress to higher education and/or employment
Collaboraton will ensure that:
- Best practice is shared and staff across our Trust exhibit the highest levels of professionalism
- The areas of greatest need are well supported and show rapid and sustained improvement
- Transition between all key stages is an area of excellence and learning reflects excellent knowledge and understanding of the different programmes of study
- The Trust produces flexible and experienced professionals capable of career progression
- Staff within the Trust are well-supported and receive an excellent introduction
- Resources are shared and economies of scale are achieved
Professional development will:
- Deliver outstanding professionals to work across our trust
- Ensure that all teachers remain at the forefront of creative and innovative practice
- Be tailored to meet different standards and needs
- Focus on outstanding teaching and learning and on developing future leaders who impact on school improvement and outcomes
- Support the needs of our pupils and take account of the stage of development of each school
- Be delivered by inspirational experts
- Enrich collaborative and reflective working relationships between and within school
- Pupils and staff will understand what they have to achieve and how to do this
- Performance will always be measured against the most ambitious targets
- Pupils and staff will be held to account for their targets and progress towards them
- Pupil premium will be used to accelerate the progress of vulnerable pupils
- Every member of staff will undergo performance management regularly
- Good and outstanding teaching will be the norm
- Leaders are proactive in addressing issues and timely, appropriate interventions will be honest and based on objective information
- Governing bodies will know their schools and hold them to account
For more information on the Trust please click here.
Contact | Central Team | |
Attain Academy Partnership
C/o Newlands Spring Primary and Nursery School
Dickens Place
Essex CM1 4UU
Tel.: 01245 442031
Email: admin@attain.essex.sch.uk
Company Number: 8132067
Chief Executive Officer: Mrs Edom-Baker
Chief Finance Officer: Mrs Orley
Chief Operations Officer: Mrs Ellwood
Finance & Operations Officer: Mr Carmoody