Lowry Class - Year 1

Welcome to Lowry Class, where we demonstrate creative and observant attitudes like our namesake L.S. Lowry. In Lowry Class you will find our year one pupils who are taught by Miss McCarthy (Monday-Wednesday) and Mr Drury (Wednesday -Friday).
Year One starts the children's key stage one journey. We pride ourselves on ensuring a smooth transition for our children as they move from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) into key stage one. We begin by continuing to learn through purposeful play opportunities whilst introducing a more structured learning style as the year progresses.
Within year one, we strive to provide a warm, nurturing and enabling environment in which the children can fulfil their full potential. We believe in educating children in a holistic approach, helping them to grow both academically and personally. We promote the Elm Hall Attitudes of believing in ourselves, working together, being proud of our achievements, being caring and kind to others and growing in our learning. Like all classes, we have an Elm Hall Attitudes board to encourage and recognise our learning attitudes and to promote personal development. We can see our names displayed on our ‘Recognition Board’ when we have demonstrated a particular skill focus. We aim to encourage a growth mind-set perspective where we promote all children to take on challenges, take risks and learn from mistakes.
In year one we are fortunate to have an enabling environment with indoor and outdoor spaces that support our learning. The children use our outdoor learning area all year round, so please make sure that your child has appropriate clothing for all weather conditions. They will need a coat and hat in the winter and a sun hat and sun cream in warmer weather.
Our Learning
Within year one we learn following the Elm Hall curriculum, this can be found on our curriculum page on this website. Please click here.
Learning in year one is a carefully considered balance of purposeful play, child led opportunities, group work and whole class adult led learning. Our creative and inspiring curriculum is taught within engaging half termly topics.
Our Topics:
Autumn 1 – Marvellous Me- Identity
Autumn 2 - All Year Long- Celebration and Change
Spring 1 – Terrific Toys - Differences and Change
Spring 2 – Great Explorers - Exploration
Summer 1 – Farm to Fork- Growth
Summer 2 - Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside. - Leisure
Phonics is an important part of our learning in year one as it helps us to continue to develop our reading and writing skills with increasing confidence and independence. We follow the scheme of FFT- 'Success For All' sche,e to teach Phonics and this is taught every day during a structured 25 minute sessions. We also have a daily 30 minute shared reader sessions.
Children in Year one sit a statutory Phonics Screening in mid June. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how a child is progressing in phonics. Please note that no leave of absence will be authorised during this time.
For phonics terminology please click here.
Your child will bring home a reading book every day in their book bag, alongside a reading record. Children are read with on a one-to-one once a week and will read daily in their shared reader sessions. Children should come to school with their reading book and reading record every day. Children should be reading to an adult at home daily. Please record when you have read with your child in their reading record.
We follow a book banding scheme and the children move through the different books at their own pace depending on their rate of progress. We promote children’s love of reading using our Elmer certificates, where the children colour in a patch on Elmer the elephant each time they read with an adult. Once they have completed an Elmer they receive a special certificate in our celebration assembly.
We encourage you to be actively involved in your child’s reading. Please do so regularly. If you need any support with this please ask.
Every child in Lowry Class is given a red word bookmark to practise those words that cannot be sounded out. Children will need to practise writing the words in school and at home. When they are confident they will be checked and moved onto their next one.
A weekly homework task will be set via DB primary on a Friday, to be handed in by the following Thursday. Homework tasks will vary weekly supporting an area of learning from that week. Tasks are designed to encourage discussions between children and adults about their learning that week, with challenges for independent work. Children will share their homework via discussions with each other and their teachers on Friday mornings.
Daily reading also forms an important part of your child's homework as well as regular practise of the red word bookmarks. Please ensure you support your child with their work and reading at home.
We have PE lessons on Wednesdays (but this may change at points within the year). Please ensure on our PE day your child comes to school dressed in a weather appropriate PE kit.
Our Day
Our day begins at 8.40am. Your child needs to be in class by 8.45 am. Learning begins promptly so please help your child to be on time. In year one we try to encourage the children to come to become more independent by coming in by themselves and getting out any equipment, letters or belongings for the day.
Home time is 3:15pm. Children are seen out from the classroom door into the front playground to an agreed adult. If your collection arrangements change please ensure you inform a member of staff.
Snack and Lunches
All our children will receive a piece of fruit or vegetable for snack daily but may bring an alternative fruit or vegetable in if they would prefer. All year one children are entitled to free school meals, and we send a menu home with our newsletter every week. Link to school menu? Children are supported to choose their meal during morning registration.
Your child will need to bring a named bottle of water to school daily.
We work in partnership with parents and families to ensure a positive and supportive relationship is developed to enhance the outcomes of all children. If you have any questions then please speak to the class teacher or LSAs in our class. We are here to answer any questions and support where needed. Many thanks and one again welcome to Lowry Class!
Useful resources for you to try at home: