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Aims of Elm Hall’s Curriculum: Learning and Loving It

Curriculum Overview

Aims of Elm Hall’s Curriculum: Learning and Loving It

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Vocabulary Progression

Below are the Vocabulary progression documents for Elm Hall's curriculum. The aim of these documents are to aid the promoting of a fuller understanding of the importance and joyfulness of interest in words, creating children who are 'word aware' across all subject areas. These documents detail when teachers are expected to teach topic specific vocabulary via robust instruction in order to provide lessons that accelerate the incidentals of vocabulary.

Elm Hall Writing Overview

Below is the Writing overview and year group curriculums. Our Writing curriculum uses The English Planning Kit objectives and ensures progression across text types as well as links to our topics and class novels.


At Elm Hall, we use the objectives from The English Planning Kit to ensure coverage across the school. Our curriculum plans show progression through fine and gross motor skills and preparation for handwriting from EYFS through Key Stage 1. Linking Handwriting to our Phonics Scheme 'Success for All' connects letter and number formation with reading and writing. 

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