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Extra Curricular Activities

Elm Hall Primary School provides wrap around care for families. Please see below for details and look out in the newsletter for any new exciting clubs that will be on offer. 

Breakfast Club

After-School Clubs

The current list of after school clubs are detailed on the school newsletters and school Ping. Each session is £3. 

Current sessions include:

  • KS1 and KS2 Football
  • Gardening Club
  • Netball
  • ICT Club
  • Arts and Crafts Club 
  • Languages and culture

The list of clubs changes throughout the academic year and the school will notify parents when more offers become available. 

Clubs run by outside agencies

Ultimate Combat Academy run Kickboxing clubs at the school on Mondays and Wednesdays 6-8pm and Saturdays 9.30-11.30am.  

Please contact Keiron on 07825 414642 for more information or pick up a form from school.

We have a Brownies group meet on a Tuesday from 6.30 until 8pm in the school hall.  Please contact Julie Down on 07917 859137 for more information.

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