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Nightingale Class - EYFS


In addition to reading with your child daily, we send home learning challenges each half term to help you support your child at home. These challenges range from phonics and number tasks to creative projects to work on together.

Our day in Reception begins at 8.40am and children go to lunch at 11.50am. The afternoon session runs from 13.00 until 15.15. Children are collected from the front playground. At home time, we will only allow you or an agreed adult to collect your child, so if your collection arrangements change please ensure you inform a member of staff.

Please also take a look at the following links where you can find some interesting reads to help and support your child within their development and learning.



Here are some useful links to help with reading and writing:

Here are some links to support number skills:
Subtract with a Pirate

Here are some links that will support your child starting school:

I_spy_a_picture_book - getting ready for school

Starting School Poster

These are supportive materials of the EYFS areas of learning:

Areas of learning information sheet for parents

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Guidance to your childs learning and development

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